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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies

Natural Asthma Treatment Asthma

Asthma is caused by spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchi (small airways in the lungs), which constrict the outward passage of stale air. Typical symptoms are coughing, wheezing, a tight chest, and difficult breathing. When changes in air passages occur so that air cannot pass freely to and from the tiny air sacs in the lungs, bronchial asthma results. Cardiac asthma is the result of a malfunctioning heart.
The muscular spasms, together with increased mucus, are brought on by histamine produced by the body's immune system during an allergic response. Therefore, any kind of allergen can precipitate an asthma attack. Researchers believe that lower magnesium uptake or a magnesium deficiency may play a role in certain types of asthma.

Vitamin A
15,000 IU daily.

10,000 IU daily.
Needed for tissue repair and immunity.
acid (B5)
50 mg 3 times daily B5 is the anti-stress vitamin.
Vitamin B complex
vitamin B,
vitamin B12
tablets or lozenges
50 mg 4 times daily.

50 mg 3 times daily or 1/2 cc.

l00 mg twice daily between meals.Dissolve lozenges in mouth..
Stimulates the immune system, especially B6. Injections are the most effective.
Vitamin E 600 IU and up daily. A potent antioxidant.
Very Important    
Magnesium 750 mg daily. Magnesium chelate or asporotate may stop the severe asthmatic episode.
(high potency)
selenium .

200 mcg daily

15,000 IU daily.
Necessary for enhanced mineral complex immune function.
Quercelin C .
100 mg 3 times daily.
500 mg 3 times daily.
Powerful immuno stimulants. Quercetin C has an antihistamine effect. Take together for best results.
Vitamin C
plus bioflavonolds
1,500 mg 3 times daily.  
Bee pollen Start with a few Granules; increase slowly to 1 tsp daily. Best to use pollen produced within a 10-mile radius of your home.
calcium 1,500 mg daily. Chelated form is the most effective.
Coenzyme Q10
100 mg daily. Has ability to counter histamine.
DMG (Gluronic from DaVinci
As directed on label. Improves oxygenation in lung tissue.
InspirEase from Key
Use as directed on label. An inhaler.
Kelp tablets 10 daily for 21 days, hen reduce to 3 a day. For minerals in balanced amounts.
(amino acid)
vitamin B.
vitamin C .
500 mg twice daily.

50 mg daily.

500 mg daily
L-Methionine is an important antioxidant. Take these supplements together on an empty stomach for better absorption
Vitamin D 600 JU daily.  

Herbal Remedy for Asthma

Use echinacea, horsetail, juniper berries, licorice root, Ma Huang, pau d'arco, propolis, and slippery elm bark tablets. Drink three cups daily of pau d'arco tea. It acts as a natural antibiotic. Lobelia herbal extract is helpful during an asthma attack; it is a bronchial smooth muscle relaxant. Ginkgo, an herb containing the active ingredient ginkgolide B, has also shown good results in many studies.


The diet should consist primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, brown rice, and whole grains. A hypoglycemic diet should be followed-one that contains no sugar, is high in protein, and is low in carbohydrates.

Use beta-blocking drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and aspirin with caution.

A green drink is important. Kyo-Green from Wakunaga of America Company is excellent. Use three times a day, one half hour before meals. A juice fast, a fast using distilled water and lemon juice, or a combination of both for three days each month can help rid the body of toxins and mucus.


Foods to avoid include alfalfa, beets, carrots, colas, cold beverages (which may cause bronchial spasm), dairy products (including milk and ice cream), fish, red meat (especially pork), processed foods, salt, spinach, chicken and turkey, white flour, and white sugar.

Also avoid furry animals; aspirin; BHA and BHT food additives; F, D, and C yellow #5 dyes; smoke and tobacco; and tryptophan.

Use Dr. Christopher's Air Breathe Ease two to three times daily. Also apply castor oil packs on the back and around the lung and kidney areas. Place castor oil in a pan and heat, but do not boil. Dip a piece of cheesecloth or other white cotton material into the oil until the cloth is saturated. Apply the cloth to the affected area and cover with a piece of plastic that is larger in size than the cotton cloth. Place a heating pad over the plastic. Retain for one-half to two hours as needed.

An article in volume 81 of the Journal of Allergy and Clinic,al Immunology suggested taking two salmon oil capsules before meals and eating fish three times weekly for asthma.

Most restaurants use sulfites to preserve the salads, avocado dip, cut or sliced fruit, cole slaw, canned or frozen shellfish, canned mushrooms, sauces and gravies, soups, pickles, frozen French fries, potato chips, wine vinegar, cider, potatoes, baked goods, sausages, beer, and wines. Sulfites can be found in any type of food. Some people have had severe attacks after consuming foods containing sulfites; even death can result.

Sulfitic agents include sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, potassium bisulfite, and sulfur dioxide. These are commonly used to prevent discoloration and bacterial growth in foods.

Test strips are now available to help detect the presence of sulfites in foods. For information write to: Sulfitest, Center Laboratories, 35 Channel Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050, or call (800) 645-6335 or (516) 767-1800 if in New York. This chemically, treated paper strip turns red in the presence of sulfites or green in the absence of sulfites. The strips were developed by Barbara Markley of Kansas State University.


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