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Yohimbe Effects and Benefits

Yohimbe is an herb whose usage dates back many centuries. It was discovered by African tribesmen who considered it to be a true aphrodisiac. Because their knowledge of their natural habitat and their ability to benefit from it bordered on genius, it is safe to assume that their conclusions regarding Yohimbe were accurate.

Yohimbe comes from the bark of the Corynanthe Yohimbe tree. These trees are found in tropical West Africa especially the French Congo and the Cameroons.

According to early historical records, inner shavings of the bark of the Corynanthe Yohimbe tree were ingested by the males of the Bantu speaking tribes to sustain them during mating rituals. These rituals would often last 10 to 15 days with the participants taking increasing doses of the ground bark. (That was when men were men!!) Although customs and rituals have changed dramatically over the years, yohimbe continues to be widely used throughout the African continent.

Worldwide usage of yohimbe has been traced back to Eurpean sailors who learned of its incredible powers from the Africans with whom they traded during the Renaissance period.

While the early reputation of yohimbe's power was based upon personal experiences,and was spread by world of mouth, several recend medical experiments have served to document these powers scientifically. Studies conducted at Stanford University in California, at Queens University Hospital in Canada, and other studies reported in prestigious medical journals have all shown positive results. In one article appearing in the British medical journal, Lancet, the author conlcuded that yohimbe "seems to be as effective as sex and marital therapy for restoring sexual (erection) function."(1)

IN another article a[ppearing in the Lawrence Review of Natural Products, the authro stated "recent studies suggest that (yohimbe) may be effective in the treatment of male organic importence, in aprticular with that of diabetes."(2)

Clearly, yohimbe deserves the reputation it has achieved as a sexual stimulant. Nothing lasts, indeed increases in usage, for the length of time yohimbe has lasted without providing the results the user is seeking.

About Yohimbe Supplement

Pure yohimbe products are the ultimate choice for those seeking the benefits of yohimbe usage. Yohimbe products provide the possibility of exciting new levels of pleasure and satisfaction. And for your convenience, they are available in both capsule and liquid extract forms. Yohimbe products are made from yohimbe bark which is hand harvested in its native habitat of Camaroon, Africa. Each step in the manufacturing process is carefully monitored toassure that the product you receive is of the highest quality, freshness, and of greatest importance - potency.

  1. Reid,K., Surridge, D.H., Morales., A., Condra, M., Harris, C., Owen,J.,&Fenmore, J. 1987 "Double-blind trial of yohimbine in treatment of psychogenic importence." Lancet, V.2, no.8556, pp.346-351
  2. "Yohimbe", Mar. 1990, The Lawrence Review of Natural Products, P.1.

Yohimbe is a powerful herbal product. Please read the label carefully and follow the directions for use closely. If you have any questions regarding the use of this product, please discuss them with your personal physician.

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