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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies
Bruxism Treatment Tooth Grinding Remedy
Bruxism or tooth grinding usually occurs without awareness during sleep and results in loosened teeth and gum recession. Loss of teeth can occur if the disorder is not caught in time. Bruxism can develop if the teeth become sensitive to heat and cold. Sometimes the teeth are out of line and the bite needs adjusting. Most often, calcium and pantothenic acid are needed to prevent Bruxism. Calcium is effective for treating involuntary movement of muscles. pantothenic acid is important for maintaining proper motor coordination.
magnesium1,500 - 2,000 mg daily.
750 mg daily.A deficiency has been linked to tooth grinding. Pantothenic acid (B5) 500 mg twice daily. Reduces stress. Very Important Vitamin C 3,000 - 5,000 mg daily. Potentiates adrenal function, acting as an antistress vitamin. Helpful Multivitamin
mineral complex
raw adrenal glandularAs directed on label. Needed to reduce stress. Vitamin B complex 100 mg twice daily. High stress formula. Zinc 50 mg daily. Needed to reduce stress. Recommendations
Do not eat any type of sugar six hours before going to bed; sometimes a light protein snack helps. cut back on processed foods and colas.
Avoid stress.
Hypoglycemia, related to low adrenal function, is often the cause of Bruxism.
have a hair analysis done to determine fi you have any mineral imbalances, such as abnormal levels of sodium and potassium.
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