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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies

Premenstrual Syndrome Natural Treatment

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a disorder that affects menstruating women one to two weeks before the menstrual women one to two weeks before the menstrual cycle begins. Symptoms can include any or all of the following: depression, cramps, water retention, skin eruptions, headaches, bloated abdomen, backache, breast swelling and tenderness, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness, joint pain, fainting spells, and changes in personality (such as outbursts of anger, violence, and thoughts of suicide). PMS has been linked to food allergies, candidiasis, and malabsorption.
    Unfortunately, some women have been diagnosed as mentally ill when vitamin therapy, exercise, and change of diet was all that was needed. One of the causes of PMS is a hormone imbalance-excessive estrogen levels and inadequate progesterone levels. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is also an important factor. Fluid retention affects the blood flow, reducing the oxygen in the uterus, ovaries, and brain.

Very Important
Calcium with
magnesium chloride
1,500 mg
1,000 mg
Relieves cramping, backache, and nervousness.
Primrose oil 2 capsules 3 times daily. Contains GLA, an essential fatty acid.
Vitamin B complex
plus extra
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
pantothenic acid (B5)
B12 lozenges
100 mg 3 times daily

50 mg 3 times daily

100-200 mg

200 mcg twice daily.

B6 reduces water retention

B5 reduces stress and is needed by the adrenal gland.
B12 reduces stress
Vitamin E Start with 400 IU; Increase slowly to 800 IU Good for sore breasts.
Improves oxygen utilization and limits free radical damage.
Corn silk
KB herbs
2 with meals. An herbal formula that removes excess water from the tissues.
1 g each Aids in nerve impulse transmission. Prevents estrogen-related cancers.
Chromium 200 mcg daily Stabilizes blood sugar levels
Iron (Floradix formula) As directed on label. Easily assimilated iron formula.
Kelp 4 tablets daily A good mineral source.
L-Lysine 500 mg daily Start 5 days before menstrual period for those who suffer from hypoglycemia and/or herpes.
L-Tyrosine 500 mg twice daily Needed to reduce anxiety depression, and headache.
mineral complex
As directed on label. Needed for relief of symptoms.
Vitamin C
with bioflavonoids
3,000 mg in divided doses. Aids in relief of discomfort and breast swelling. Also boosts the immune system.
Vitamin D As directed on label. Needed for uptake of calcium and magnesium.





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