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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies
Reduce Age Spots Treatment
Natural Home Remedy for Age Spot Removal"Age spots" are the flat brown spots that appear anywhere on the body as it ages. They are also called "liver spots." These brown spots are the result of a waste build-up known as "'lipofuscin accumulatio' " a by-product of free radical damage in skin cells (see RADIATION POISONING). These spots are thought by many to be harmless, but are actually signs that the cells are full of accumulated waste that is slowly destroying cells in the body, including brain and liver cells. They are the surface sign of free radical intoxication of the body. The causes of age spots include poor diet, lack of exercise, excess sun exposure, poor liver function, and the ingestion of rancid oils.
NUTRIENTS SUPPLEMENT SUGGESTED DOSAGE COMMENTS Essential Very Important Ageless Beauty from Biotec Foods As directed on label. A free radical destroyer. Vitamin B complex plus extra pantothenic acid (B5) 100 mg 3 times daily. Needed by the elderly for proper assimilation of all nutrients. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 3,000-6,000 mg daily in divided doses. A powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger that is necessary for tissue repair. Important Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgaricum I.B.from Natren) As directed on label. Aids in liver regeneration and digestion. Helpful Bio-Strath As directed on label. Acts as a tonic. Calcium and
magnesium1,500-2,000 mg daily.
750-1,000 mg daily.The elderly need these nutrients. Asporotate or chelate form is best. Gerovital H-3
(GH-3) creamAs directed on label. This is a skin cream from Rumania that is excellent. Apply it externally. Lecithin 1 capsule or 1 tbsp. with meals. Needed for proper brain function, this emulsifier works well as an antioxidant when taken with vitamin E. Superoxide dismutase
(SOD) with selenium from
Biotec FoodsUse as directed on label. Powerful antioxidants. .Vitamin A-D-E 50,000 IU vitamin A;
emulsion 400 IU vitamin D;
600 IU vitamin E
(or in capsule form for 1 month).Aids in cleaning and rebuilding the system to prevent age spots. Emulsion form is more easily assimilated.. HERBS
Use ginseng, gotu kola, licorice, and sarsaparilla for age spots.
A high-protein diet that includes 50 percent raw fruits and vegetables and fresh grains, seeds, and nuts is recommended. Be aware that seeds and nuts may become rancid. Avoid caffeine, fried foods, processed foods, sugar, and tobacco.
Sun exposure should be limited.
A fasting program may be followed for one month until spots start to disappear. (See FASTING)
A liver cleanse is probably indicated. Use black radish extract or dandelion root and beet juice along with three days of fasting a month.
The prescription drug retinoic acid is being used with good results.
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