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Alzheimer's Disease Information, Natural Treatment and Prevention
Alzheimers Disease Information
The incidence of Alzheimer's disease in the United States today is more than 2.5 million, afflicting 15 percent of Americans over sixty-five. Previously classified as senile dementia, this disorder is characterized by tangled nerve fibers surrounding the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the brain's memory center. When the nerves surrounding the hippocampus become tangled, nerve impulses can no longer carry information to or from the brain. Because the brain's circuits are now disconnected, information cannot be retrieved. This entanglement does not destroy the information stored in the hippocampus, rather it prevents the information from being transferred.Originally identified by a German neurologist in 1907, this degenerative disease is characterized by mental deterioration to the degree that it interferes with the person's ability to function socially and at work. Memory and abstract thought processes are impaired. Some characteristics of this disorder are memory loss, severe mood swings, personality changes, disoriented perceptions of space and time, and an inability to concentrate or communicate. The individual's health progressively deteriorates until he is totally incapacitated. Death will usually occur within five years if the victim is not treated.
Signs of Alzheimers
Many people worry that their forgetfulness is a sign of alzheimer's disease. Many of us forget where we have put our keys or glasses at one time or another; this is not an indication ofalzheimer's disease. However, when an individual forgets that he wears glasses, then he is showing signs of dementia.Alzheimer's disease is not limited to the elderly. Presenile dementia may strike when an individual is in his forties. Because dementia is a symptom of many disorders, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is usually made when all of the others have been eliminated. Currently there are no laboratory procedures or biochemical markers that can confirm Alzheimer's disease. Dementia may result from arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) when the supply of blood to the brain is slowly cut off. Loss of brain tissue from a series of minor strokes or from an increased amount of fluid accumulation in the brain might cause dementia. Toxic reactions to drugs or small clots to the brain, advanced syphilis, brain tumors, and hypothyroidism often exhibit the same symptoms as Alzheimer's.
Alzheimers Research
A recent study of seventy-eight patients with dementia revealed that 68 percent also had Alzheimer's disease, 5 percent had a vitamin deficiency (particularly B,,), 8 percent had a mild form of depression, and 5 percent had dementia from repeated strokes.Research has revealed a strong correlation between Alzheimer's disease and excessive amounts of aluminum concentrated in the brain. Autopsies of victims of Alzheimer's disease reveal excessive amounts of aluminum and silicon in the brain. The hippocampus area and cerebral cortex of Alzheimer's patients contained not only excess amounts of aluminum, but also of bromine, calcium, silicon, and sulfur. In addition, a deficiency of boron, potassium, selenium, vitamin B,,, and zinc was found. These results may suggest that excessive amounts of aluminum in the diet, combined with a lack of several essential minerals, directly or indirectly predispose one to Alzheimer's disease. Although this information offers hope that Alzheimer's disease might some day be prevented, science does not yet know what can be done to allay the mental deterioration. A hair analysis may be needed to determine whether the body contains toxic metals.
In addition to the discovery of mineral imbalances in Alzheimer's patients, research indicates that estrogen levels may be upset as well. Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University found that women with Alzheimer's disease had lower estrogen levels than their healthy counterparts (Saturday Evening Post 258:9).
PLX from Biotec FoodsUse as directed on label. This high potency antioxidant not only improves utilization of oxygen, but also contains glutathione peroxidase, a selenium enzyme. Helpful Coenzyme Q10 100 mg daily This natural substance carries oxygen to cells and is responsible for enerating cellular energy. Germanium 200 mg daily Enhances immune function. Kelp 5 tablets daily Supplies minerals Lecithin 1 tbsp. with meals Needed for brain function. Potassium from a high potency multivitamin 99 mg daily. A necessary nutrient. Protein supplement
(free form amino acids)Twice daily on an empty stomach. Needed for improved brain function and tissue repair RNA-DNA 1 tablet contains 200 mg RNA and 100 mg DNA. Use as directed on label. These are the brain's cellular building blocks and are available in supplements in health food stores. Selenium
with Zinc
and vanadium
and boron200 mcg daily
50 mcg. daily
5 mg. daily.
3 mg. daily.Vitamin B complex
vitamin B6
vitamin B122 cc 3 times weekly.
1/2 cc 3 times weekly
1 cc 3 times weeklyNeeded for brain function. Aids in the digestion of food. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 6,000-10,000mg daily in divided doses Enhances immune function and increases energy levels. Vitamin E Start at 400 IU daily and increase to 800 IU daily. Helps transport oxygen to the brain cells. HERBS
Use butcher's broom and ginkgo biloba.
Consume steam-distilled water
The drugs sandostatin and tetrahydroaminoacri (THA) may reduce some of the symptoms of alzheimer's disease.
The signs of alcoholism are much the same as Alzheimer's. Rita Hayworth who was afflicted Alzheimer's disease, was at first thought to be alcoholic.
Acid rain leeches aluminum out of the soil and into our drinking water.
In his book Beating Alzheimer's, Tom Warren cites that diet and chemical allergies may play an important role in Alzheimer's. Include plenty of fiber in your diet.
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