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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies
Autism Natural Treatment
Information on Autism
Autism is an illness that involves children who do not react to their environment. Speech development is delayed and often absent or limited to nonsense rhyming or babbling. They exhibit marked unresponsiveness to love and affection. Behavior ranges from total silence to periods of hyperactivity that include biting and pounding of their body. These children are withdrawn, have learning disabilities, and are often mentally disabled. Some children seem to have a low IQ, while others seem to fall into the normal range.The cause of autism is unknown; however, it is not caused by parental neglect or actions as once believed. Some children seem to proceed along well only to inexplicably regress. Many become marginally self-sufficient and independent. However, most will need lifelong care. Scientific studies have conclusively shown that the combination of vitamin B, and magnesium produces good results in autistic children and adults. In addition, there has also been dramatic improvement after chemical additives and allergenic foods are eliminated from the diet. A hair analysis should be done to rule out heavy metal poisoning. It is also advisable to test for food allergies.
Please note that the following recommended dosages are for adults who weigh 100 pounds or more. Adjust the following dosages according to age and weight for children.
NUTRIENTS SUPPLEMENT SUGGESTED DOSAGE COMMENTS Very Important Choline daily 500-2,000 mg Improves brain function and circulation to the brain. Use under supervision. DMG (Gluconic from DaVinci Labs) 100 mg daily. An oxygen carrier to the brain.Important for normal brain and nervous system function. Magnesium
calcium1,000 mg daily
1,500 mg daily.Essential for normal brain and nervous system function. Vitamin B complex
niacinamide .
niacin (both B,)
acid (B,)
300 mg daily
50 mg 3 times daily.
500 mg dailyEssential for normal brain and nervous system function. Vitamin.B6
(pyridoxine)50 mg 3 times daily. A vitamin B, deficiency has been linked to autism.-Take in higher amounts only if under professional care. Vitamin C 3,000-10,000 mg 3 times daily in divided doses. A powerful free radical scavenger. See ASCORBIC ACID FLUSH Helpful Brewer's yeast Start with 1/2 tsp. and work up slowly. Needed to effect a proper balance of the B vitamins. L-Glutamine Take on an empty stomach. Needed for normal brain function. L-Phenylaianine
L-tyrosineTake together on an empty stomach with vitamins B6 and C. Needed for normal brain function. RNA
DNA200 mg daily.
100 mg daily.To aid in repairing and building of new brain tissues. Vitamin E 200-600 IU daily Improves circulation and brain function. HERBS
Use ginkgo biloba extract as directed on label. This herb improves circulation to the brain.
Try to improve blood oxygen supply to the brain with deep breathing exercises. Hold your breath for thirty seconds every half hour for a thirty-day period. This will stimulate deeper breathing and increase oxygen levels in the tissues of the brain.
Diet is very important for the autistic individual. The diet should be comprised of 50 to 75 percent raw foods, Do not consume junk foods, sugar, or white flour products. Use steam-distilled water.
Exercise is important.
See HYPOGLYCEMIA and HYPERACTIVITY. Follow the diet programs.
Infants born with a protein imbalance may suffer mental disability. If detected early, a proper diet can correct the imbalance.
Research cited in the October 1983 issue of Pediatric Research has found that low-level lead exposure in young children may be associated with impaired intellectual development and behavior problems.
Processed baby foods on the market today do not supply enough vitamins and minerals. Therefore, infants and small children need their diets supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Use liquid or powdered preparations.
An article in the May 1988 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine disclosed evidence that suggests autistic persons have a shortage of a type of nerve cell that normally transmits messages from the cerebellum to the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that controls thinking and judgment.
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