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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies
Breast Feeding Problems
Breastfeeding, or lactation, is the natural way in which the mother of a newborn can feed her child instead of relying on cow's milk or artificial formula preparations. The female breasts are ideally suited for the task of nourishing the baby, and provide many benefits to the baby that bottles and formulas do not. For example, mother's breast milk is much easier to digest, prevents constipation, lowers the incidence of food allergies, and protects the baby from many infectious diseases. It also promotes healthy oral development, satisfies sucking is also beneficial to the mother in that it reduces the chance of hemorrhaging from the placental site, gives the mother an opportunity to rest, and encourages the uterus to contract, returning it to its prepregnant size.
In breastfeeding, as with anything else that is new and unfamiliar, problems will occur. This section offers explanations and solutions to the most common breastfeeding problems in order to help the new breastfeeding mother have a good experience.ENGORGEMENT
This temporary problem can occur between two to five days after childbirth. It is caused by a combination of the increased blood supply to the breast and the pressure of the newly produced milk, resulting in the swelling of the tissues in the breast. A low-grade fever may be present, the breasts will feel full, hard, tender, and tight, and the skin on the breasts will be hot, shiny, and distended. This condition does not have to be present in order to allow nursing.
Engorgement prevention relies mainly on frequent feedings without delay and the nonrestriction of sucking time. Feedings should not be skipped or delayed during the day or night. Do not give the baby any formula or sugar water, and allow the baby to empty each breast completely at each feeding. This should take about seven minutes on each side.
Treatment includes short, frequent feedings, using milk cups between feeding to relieve pressure, and breast massage. A feeding schedule of every one and a half to two hours day and night should be maintained while suffering from engorgement. Application of moist heat for thirty minutes preceding each feeding and massaging the breast during feedings will help to get the milk flowing. Do not use nipple shields, as they can confuse the baby's sucking pattern, damage nipples, reduce stimulation of the breast, and decrease the milk supply.SORE NIPPLES
This problem can occur even when the nipples have been prepared in advance. It is typically caused by improper nursing positions and improper nursing schedules.
To prevent sore nipples while nursing, the following tips are recommended:
Do not wash nipples with soap, alcohol, or petroleum-based products. This washes away their natural protection. Keep nipples dry between feedings. Expose them to sunlight and air. Feed the baby frequently to avoid a baby who is overly hungry from biting down roughly on the nipple. Change nursing positions often to rotate the pressure of the baby's mouth on the breast. Learn to break suction correctly.
Treatment for sore nipples includes the following suggestions. Nurse on the least sore side first. however, if both breasts are sore, hand express (i.e., massage the breast) until letdown occurs and milk is readily available to the baby. Make sure that the baby's jaw exert pressure on the least tender spots. Use dry heat such as a low-wattage electric bulb placed twelve to eighteen inches from the breast for ten to fifteen minutes following each feeding. Do not pull away when the baby is about to begin feeding. Learn to relax.
If cracked nipples accompany soreness, applying aloe vera to the nipples will alleviate pain and promote healing.
Incomplete emptying of the milk ducts by the baby or the wearing of a tight bra can cause a plugged duct. Soreness and a lump in one area of a breast is an indication of this problem. Check the nipple very carefully for a tiny dot of dried milk. When this is removed by gentle cleansing along with frequent nursing on the affected breast, the duct will clear itself within twenty-four hours. Massaging the breasts with firm pressure, from the chest wall toward the nipple, also stimulates milk flow.
Alter the position of the baby on the nipple so all the ducts are drained. Make sure you offer the affected breast first, when the baby's sucking is strongest.MASTITIS (BREAST INFECTION)
If a plugged duct is not taken care of, mastitis can result. Soreness and redness in the breast, fever, and flu-like symptoms are indicators of this problem. In fact, in a nursing mother all flu symptoms should be considered a breast infection until proven otherwise.
Treat mastitis by drinking plenty of fluids, getting plenty of rest, and applying heat to the area with a hot water bottle or heating pad. Do not stop nursing the baby, otherwise the ducts will remain full and could worsen the problem by allowing the ducts to overfill. In addition, your health care provider may prescribe antibiotics that can be taken while nursing.
In rare cases, a breast infection results in a breast abscess in which the sore breast fills with pus. This abscess may need to be incised to allow drainage. This procedure is performed in a doctor's office. During this time, milk should be hand expressed (massaged) from the infected breast and discarded. Breastfeeding should continue on the noninfected breast until the abscess is healed.
The following supplements should be taken by the nursing mother.
NUTRIENTS SUPPLEMENT SUGGESTED DOSAGE COMMENTS Essential Protein supplement (free form amino acids or soy protein) Soy protein or free form amino acids are better than animal protein. Helpful Bifidobacteria (Life Start from Natren) Dosage for mother: 1/2 tsp. between meals. Dosage for infant: 1/4 tsp. daily added to water or juice. use only unchilled water in preparation. Boosts immune system and provides necessary "friendly" bacteria. Calcium chelate
magnesium1,000-1.500 mg daily
500-750 mg dailyAvoid bone meal because of the lead content. Multivitamin and mineral complex (high potency) containing the B complex with extra folic acid
vitamins C and D
manganeseAs directed on label. This high potency preparation is needed by both mother and baby. Vitamin B
brewer's yeast50 mg twice daily
Start with a small amount of brewer's yeast and work up to 1 tbsp. in juice, 3 times daily.Needed for production of milk and to relieve stress Free Weekly Diet and Fitness Tips Newsletter
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