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A Self-Help Guide For Natural Remedies
Seborrhea Natural Treatment
Seborrhea is a disorder of the sebaceous glands, the glands that secrete oil. Seborrhea occurs on the scalp, face, and chest most often, but can appear on other parts of the body. It is characterized by greasy patches on the body that form scales and crusts. Seborrheic skin is prone to such conditions as alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, and acne.
There are several types of seborrhea:
Cap'itis. Located on scalp.
Congestive. See Lupus.
Corporis. Located on the trunk
Facier. Located on the face.
Nigra or Nigricans. dark-colored seborrhea.
Oliosa. Seborrhea with an oily content.
Rosacea. Middle-age seborrhea that reappears.
Sicca. Dry form of seborrhea with scales.
Seborrhea may be caused by a vitamin A deficiency. The advice of a competent physician should be sought early. it is best not to use over-the-counter ointments to treat it-this can cause an overload on the skin. A dermatologist usually prescribes cleaning lotions containing a drying agent with sulfur and Resorcin and/or Deprosone cream. if antibiotics are prescribed, don't fail to take extra B-complex vitamins and either acidophilus or Megadophilus to replace the "friendly" bacteria destroyed by the antibiotics.
NUTRIENTS SUPPLEMENT SUGGESTED DOSAGE COMMENTS Essential Unsaturated fatty acids (primrose oil) As directed on label. Important for many skin disorders: contains needed linoleic acid. Important Vitamin A Up to 50,000IU Vitamin A deficiency may cause Seborrhea. Vitamin B complex
extra high stress formula
plus extra
Vitamin B6
As directed on label. The B vitamins, especially B6, are needed for protein metabolism (i.e., healing and repair). Vitamin E 400-800 IU daily. Speeds healing. Increases oxygen intake. Helpful Acidophilus As directed on label. Take daily in some form, especially if antibiotics are used. Coenzyme Q10 60 mg daily An important free radical scavenger that supplies oxygen to the cells. DMG (Gluconic from DaVinci Labs) As directed on label Increases tissue oxygen. Kelp 5 tablets daily. Contains balanced minerals. Good iodine source. Lecithin Take with meals. For cellular protection. Multivitamin
mineral complexAs directed on label. Protein supplement
(free form amino acids)As directed on label. For healing and repair. take in the free form for quicker absorption and assimilation. Herbs
Dandelion, goldenseal, and red clover are good . Chaparral may be used as a rinse.
Eat 50-75 percent raw foods and soured products such as yogurt. Avoid chocolate, dairy products, flour, fried foods, nuts, seafood, and sugar. Follow the fasting program once a month.
Don't pick at or squeeze the infected skin. Avoid using irritating soaps, but make sure you keep the affected areas clean. Avoid greasy ointments and creams. Keep your hair clean and make sure you use a non-oily shampoo.
try changing your hair products - use one without chemicals. Sometimes this helps.
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