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Constipation Natural Treatment Relief

By Dr. Jonathan V. Wright

Sufficient fiber and water are very necessary to "keep things moving" through our bowels. If you're having trouble in this department, make sure you're getting at least 4 to 8 eight-ounce glasses of water daily. Dietary fiber from many sources can lessen constipation: carrots, beans, and whole grains are just a few of many. "Supplemental" forms of fiber, including oat bran, wheat bran, and psyllium [sill-ee-um] are all available at natural food stores. Psyllium is most widely used, and can be found as whole or ground seeds, or sometimes as a "flaked" powder. Usually 1 to 2 tablespoons daily in water is sufficient. Please use psyllium without added sugar!

Fiber and water "to get things moving" are frequently a part of "mainstream" medical treatment also in addition, "mainstream" recommendations may include a variety of "laxative" medications. Unfortunately, these do not address possible causes of constipation.

In young children, constipation is occasionally due to allergy, especially to milk and dairy. Although possible, allergy-induced constipation is rare in adults.

Normal digestion includes the production of acid and pepsin by the stomach, and digestive enzymes by the pancreas. As we get past forty, more and more of us underproduce these digestive secretions, which for many of us leads to constipation. [Contrary to the impression given by television advertising, overproduction of stomach acid is fairly uncommon past age forty to fifty.] Although there are many replacement acid-pepsin and digestive enzyme capsules available in natural food stores, it's wisest to check with a physician knowledgeable in nutritional and natural therapies to make an accurate diagnosis of either of these problems. Used when needed, hydrochloric acid-pepsin capsules and/or digestive enzymes will often clear up constipation, more often for those of us past forty, but sometimes in younger people with digestive problems, too.

Just as importantly, eliminating constipation by supplementing underproduced digestive secretions improves the flow of nutrients into our bodies, and helps keep us healthier over a longer period of time. If you think you may have this problem check with a doctor skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional and natural medicine. If you don't know one, you might want to contact the American College of Advancement in Medicine for a referral; I'll give you their telephone number later in this brief.

Essential fatty acids can help constipation. They're found in flax oil, cod liver oil, and many other vegetable oils, such as sunflower, safflower, and sesame. In addition to many other functions, they're the "precursor material" for the production of local hormones called "Prostaglandins" which help to regulate movement in the bowels. I recommend flax oil since its the "best balanced" of all the oils for the human system. One to one and a half tablespoons daily, will usually help constipation, and will not cause nutritional deficiencies as mineral oil does. Remember, whenever we take extra essential fatty acids, it's always wisest to take extra vitamin E, also. 400 units daily is enough.

Folic acid is sometimes helpful in lessening constipation for those of us sixty and older. Since 800 micrograms is the largest supplemental quantity available in natural food stores, I often recommend 6 to 8 tablets a day for several weeks to achieve any help. Whenever using folic acid, remember it should be accompanied by extra vitamin B2, 1000 to 2000 micrograms daily.

Because of differences in age, sex, metabolism, or potential allergy, these diet and supplement therapies may not be suitable for you. Consult a health care professional skilled in nutritional and natural therapies. To locate one near you, you might call the American College of Advancement in Medicine at 800-532-3688 or the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians at 206-323-7610.


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