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Ecdysterone Benefits

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Benefits of Ecdysterone for Bodybuilding

Okay, so sometimes (most of the time) it’s not easy to put on muscle mass in the gym. You train hard, eat plenty of protein, and eat lots of vegetables. You see some muscle gains, but they come so slow that you feel like you’re watching grass grow.

There is nothing wrong with staying natural; you can actually see a ton of gains if you are patient. The problem is that having patience isn’t everyone’s strength. Especially in today’s western, Americanized culture, everyone wants a quick fix.

Can you blame them?

Can you blame yourself?

Did you resort to steroids or pro-hormones?

Snail-pace results are why so many turn to steroids and pro hormones. A lot of people see great success with these products, but they end up seeing some damaging side effects. As an alternative, some folks have resorted to Ecdy-Bolin ecdysterone supplement. In fact, over the past decade ecdysterone has blown up in popularity.


Anabolic Benefits

Ecdysterone has the same benefits as pro hormones, pro steroids, and steroids, but it doesn’t come with all of those lovely side effects such as acne and hair loss.The benefits for ecdysterone, in short, are increased muscle mass, increased brain function, increased metabolism, and increased liver function.

This is actually considered a completely natural product. In order to put on muscle mass, you must increase your protein synthesis and keep a positive nitrogen balance, Although this can be done naturally with a high protein diet, you will see much more success using ecdysterone.

Where does ecdysterone come from?

Originally, this product was found in ants and people thought that humans could consume it and see strength increases like ants. If there was a correlation there, we would be carrying around cars in no time. Even though it didn’t quite work that well, there have been numerous studies done that proved that using ecdysterone along with a high protein diet resulted in muscle and strength gains in the gym. This is something that all of us strive for but usually come up short with.

How to Maximize Benefits

As mentioned above, your diet is the most important factor when taking any supplement. Even though ecdysterone is a killer product, you will still need to take in enough protein throughout the day. It is recommended that you consume at least your body weight in grams of protein throughout the day; you should make sure to get a meal in every 3-5 hours. Many athletes report optimal gains from protein intake of 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight, per day.

If you are waiting up to 5 hours between meals, you should also supplement with a branch chain amino acid product to increase protein synthesis and keep a positive nitrogen balance. You should also consume more than your maintenance in calories; you can find a good estimate of your “maintenance” by multiplying your bodyweight by 15-20, depending on your natural metabolism.

By using these nutritional recommendations and training with a proper workout routine, you should see some amazing gains.


To sum this up, I must say that the biggest benefit that you will receive from ecdysterone is the safety of the product. While steroids will help reach your goals very quickly, your long term health will also be in jeopardy.

There have been no serious side effects found in ecdysterone, and people have still been seeing crazy gains from it. If you want to see your gains go through the roof, then it’s time to pick up some ecdysterone. Go to https://www.vitawise.com/ecdysterone-supplement.html

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Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is intended only as guidelines. The instruction and advise represented herein is not intended as a substitute for medical or other professional counseling or training. Consult your physician before starting on any diet, exercise program or supplements.

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