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How To Stop Overeating The Easy Way

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Find Out How To Stop Overeating With Two Very Simple Steps

I am willing to guess that the majority of people who read my blog may not have a problem with overeating. But I am also willing to guess that someone you know has a problem with overeating. However, it comes down to how you identify what overeating is. In order to determine the right approaches on how to stop overeating, we need to establish a base line. Overeating is simply eating more than your body needs. Without getting into the psychological aspects of overeating, leptin and insulin complications, stress, and other attributes I want to keep how to stop overeating simple. Let’s face it, millions of people in America (in particular) are overweight and are in poor health. So if you find this post useful for a friend, family member, or yourself, please show it to them.

How To Stop Overeating Step #1

Slow down when you eat. I had to learn this over time but once you actually implement eating your food slow it makes a world of difference. I often see a lot of people eat extremely fast. So fast that I wonder if they are even chewing before they swallow. Here is the deal, the faster you eat the longer it takes your digestive system to signal to your brain you are full. It is also sending mixed communications to your brain that you are eating under stress which carries its own health complications. Slow down and eat your food. Paul Chek says “drink your food and chew your water.” Meaning chew your food until it is in liquid form, and don’t guzzle water. The more you chew your food, the easier it is to digest and the more you actually absorb. Simply by chewing your food roughly 30-40 times and eating slow, you will get full quicker, help your digestion, and limit internal stress. I know that for some you only have a few minutes to eat and then get back to work or are on the run. Find the time to eat slowly, it is well worth it.

How To Stop Overeating Step #2

You need to adhere to step 1 at all times, but that takes practice and willing desire to do so. The second step on how to stop overeating is put food on a smaller plate. Various psychological studies have shown that by simply shrinking the plate size that you put your food on will reduce the amount you eat at one sitting. If you compound that with eating slowly you have to powerful approaches in solving how to stop overeating. How to stop overeating can be simple or complex depending on the situation.

Determining How to Stop Overeating Is a Choice

Like I said in the beginning of the post, some of you may not have a problem with solving how to stop overeating. While others may, or may know someone who struggles not only with how to stop overeating but weight issues. Making small tactical changes that are not extremely difficult up front is crucial for anyone who wants to achieve a bigger goal (like losing 20 lbs). If you make the choice to change how you eat, do functional bodyweight workouts, and shift your lifestyle in a way that will prolong your life you will notice that your quality of life increases. Figuring out how to stop overeating is one small change that can motivate you to keep making lasting changes.

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Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is intended only as guidelines. The instruction and advise represented herein is not intended as a substitute for medical or other professional counseling or training. Consult your physician before starting on any diet, exercise program or supplements.

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