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The Different Gym Shoes

There are many differences between shoes you can wear to the gym. There is a marked difference in the benefits of gym shoes from the benefits of everyday trainers fitness shoes. The main differences among weightlifting and gym shoes can be attributed to two different types of exercises performed in each type of shoe: the squat and the deadlift. There are three main benefits from using gym shoes while doing any exercise. They are:

What we like to call "squat productiveness" - Heavy squats can be done very well with standard or low traction gym shoes, but it is not as easy as it sounds. This type of exercise is done by lifting more weights with one movement. When the shoe flexes, the feet slide sideways against the floor, and when the shoe tightens, the toes slide sideways. In the gym, this type of exercise is done with the same amount of tension on the shoe as it would be while working out in a normal gym. The weight of the shoes is not that big an issue in performing heavy squats. However, if you are looking for more stability, then those with additional ankle stability and cushion support, with a flat sole will be preferential against the standard trainers that don’t offer anywhere near the same level of ankle support.

Additional Support - Another major difference is in the amount of support provided by the gym shoes. Most gym shoes provide minimal support while working out, but most lifting shoes provide more support. This is because they are designed specifically for strength training and weight lifting. In general, gym shoes provide more cushioning and support than fitness shoes do.

Many athletes and professional bodybuilders such as Kai Greene have their own range of gym shoes and weightlifting shoes. Depending on your level of training, they may be able to provide you with an additional edge in training.

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